
Custom ATL5D A-Team ID Solves Cyber Crimes While Uniting Atlanta as Teammates

Custom ATL5D A-Team ID Solves Cyber Crimes While Uniting Atlanta as Teammates

Custom ATL5D A-Team ID Solves Cyber Crimes While Uniting Atlanta as Teammates
byRalph Flockerson May 16, 2024

The old ways of governing the United States are outdated and are no longer in touch with what’s happening today in cities like Atlanta. Gen-Z is calling for unity, while political campaigns are pouring millions into marketing to divide the United States over changes with no backing, like our fiat dollar backed by nothing. ATL5D the digital twin of Atlanta is backing everything with a digital version stored in a Wallo Coinbase smart wallet account so Atlanta can see and trust good business in Atlanta. ATL5D A-Team ID allows Atlanta to see who is truly for uniting Atlanta and making changes.

ATL5D “Unity” Challenge


Our tech went 0–60 from 2020 to 2024 specifically with A.I. leaving the masses overwhelmed with all of the technical advances made that comes with the side effect of having the ability of cloning voices, images and live video calls with deep fake tech that we seen over the last 10+ years in blockbuster films.

According to the FBI’s 2022 Internet Crime Report, Georgia ranked 10th in the nation for cybercrime complaints in 2021, with 22,473 reported incidents. Of those incidents, 4,567 were reported in the Atlanta metropolitan area.

The most common types of cybercrime reported in Atlanta in 2021 were:

  • Phishing (3,021 incidents)
  • Identity theft (1,234 incidents)
  • Malware (1,109 incidents)
  • Financial fraud (987 incidents)
  • Data breaches (876 incidents)


One of ATL5D solutions to solving cyber crimes is ATL5D A-Team ID manually created as a service on market which allows anyone in Atlanta to flash their ATL5D A-Team ID in person to provide a service brokered in ATL5D Discord or online by sharing their Wallo account number.

ATL5D A-Team ID solves ID theft by adding an extra layer of security to traditional IDs with AI having the ability to clone existing ID. ATL5D Discord sellers or hosts can require renters or buyers to have a verified ATL5D A-Team ID before conducting business online or meeting in person. This is especially important for buyers or renters who have no history on-chain or have $ATL in their wallet.


Invest in yourself by creating your own unique 1-of-1 ATL5D A-Team ID with a digital collectible on a ATL5D A-Team premade tribal background, airdropped directly to your verified Wallo smart wallet that takes less than a minute to setup on your smart phone.

AI Deepfakes will continue to advance with cloning voices, images and live video, as a solution custom ATL5D A-Team ID’s are manually created and verify Atlanta residents as a solution to preventing online scams.

Use cases:

  • Member only Atlanta clubs or events
  • Dating (ATL5D Live dates coming soon)
  • Cool Atlanta work badges
  • Member only ATLverse metaverse member only events

ATL5D A-Team Details:

  • Zodiac sign or Career — Optional
  • A-Team — Optional with additional fees
  • Date — ATL5D evolution date
  • Username — ATL5D Discord username


  • Unique and personalized: Create an custom ATL5D A-Team ID that represents your personal style and brand.
  • Secure and verifiable: ATL5D A-Team ID’s are stored on the blockchain, making them tamper-proof and easily verifiable.
  • Versatile: Use your ATL5D A-Team ID as a social media profile picture, ATL5D A-Team ID, or digital collectible.
  • Stake: Stake your ATL5D A-Team ID on Base blockchain and earn more APY than your bank.
  • ATL5D Services: Show your ATL5D A-Team ID for services in the ATL5D Discord such as RNTals (5D Airbnb) and CabCast (5D Uber)
  • Resell: Resell custom ATL5D A-Team IDs to allow access to your branded PPV ATL5D Discord or ATLverse channels.

How it works:

  1. Purchase the service
  2. DM us on TikTok , X or IG your high quality recent headshot image for your ATL5D A-Team ID so we know you’re real
  3. We airdrop your ATL5D A-Team ID in your verified Wallo account in 1–3 business days.


  • Basic Custom ATL5D A-Team ID $222 (up to 3 business days) 1 business day for ATL5D Discord Midtown and Gold Room subscribers.

Additional features:

  • Bulk discounts: Available for orders of 10 or more ATL5D A-Team IDs
  • Custom backgrounds: If you don’t like our premade backgrounds, we can create a custom background for you for an additional fee.
  • Airdrop to multiple wallets: We can airdrop your ATL5D A-Team ID to multiple wallets for an additional fee.

(email [email protected] or join ATL5D Discord)

Why choose us?

  • We are a team of experienced digital content creators and developers in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • We have a proven track record of delivering high-quality digital collectibles for brands UMG, World Poker Tour, Audio Mack and HULU.
  • We offer competitive pricing and excellent customer support in our ATL5D Discord.